Dear Sir,
We could’t get connected to the external databases like
Pubmed , even though we made the following settings in our Ojs
- Enabled citation markup assistant in submission settings
- From the citation extraction services we selected FreeCite, RegEx &
ParsCit connectors (we didn’t select ParaCite as it was asking for some
perl modules - While adding each of the connectors the system was asking not to use it as default and we did accordingly
- Under citation checking we selected pubmed as citation database connector.
- In the we made the value of citation checking process as 6
after making all these changes also when we check the reference of
unassigned paper we are getting a screen with a message which says that
“the citation of this article are still being processed on the server”
Kindly note that we didn’t register with pubmed instead just gave gmail id as per the instruction on the ojs site.
Kindly help us.
Thanks and regards,
Dr. Shijith Kumar, C