Citation language plugin formatting issues - download citation

Maybe this is ready solved, but after a couple of days of googling unfortunately I did not find any solution.

Our journal use the: Current version: (July 30, 2020 - 08:24 AM)

1- The article abstract is displayed in the right format in the journal.
Report of the workshop on chemical pollution and cetaceans | J. Cetacean Res. Manage.

2- Using the “Download citation”, Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley

AB - <p>Report of the Workshop on Chemical Pollution and Cetaceans</p>

I have checked on the publication table:

Report of the Workshop on Chemical Pollution and Cetaceans

The citation plugin is not able to format the paragraph “

This video maybe could help to understand the issue:


Hi! I do not have any problems downloading that citation. Would you try another browser? Or use incognito mode of your browser?

Based on this comment, I think the problem is not that the download doesn’t work, but that it converts the HTML tags. So instead of getting:

AB - <p>Report of the Workshop on Chemical Pollution and Cetaceans</p>

You will get:

AB - &lt;p&gt;Report of the Workshop on Chemical Pollution and Cetaceans&lt;/p&gt;

This effects all citation styles, but the example discussed here is RIS. I’m not sure how RIS expects HTML code to be formatted in the citation, but if anyone can find documentation on this than we would seek to follow the recommended guidance.

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Thank you very much for your speedy reply.
Yes, I managed to download the citation, but for any reason is the formatting issue.
… here is the content of ris file—
AU - Reijnders, P. J. H.
AU - Donovan, G. P.
AU - Aguilar, A.
AU - Bjorge, A.
PY - 1999/01/01
Y2 - 2020/10/20
TI - Report of the workshop on chemical pollution and cetaceans
JF - J. Cetacean Res. Manage.
VL -
IS -
SE -
DO - 10.47536/jcrm.v1i1.253
UR -
SP - 01-30
AB - <p &gt ;Report of the Workshop on Chemical Pollution and Cetaceans</p >
ER -

I have checked on the citation language plugin on the file ris.tpl:

  • plugins/generic/citationStyleLanguage/templates/citation-styles/ris.tpl
  • Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Simon Fraser University
  • Copyright (c) 2017-2020 John Willinsky
  • Distributed under the GNU GPL v3. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING.
  • @brief Citation output for the .ris downloadable format
  • @uses $citationData stdClass Compiled citation data
  • @uses $citationStyle string Name of the citation style being compiled.
  • @uses $article Article
  • @uses $publication Publication
  • @uses $issue Issue
  • @uses $journal Journal
    {assign var=“containerTitle” value=“container-title”}
    {assign var=“containerTitleShort” value=“container-title-short”}
    TY - JOUR
    {foreach from=$citationData->author item=“author”}
    AU - {$author->family}, {$author->given}
    PY - {$citationData->issued->raw|date_format:"%Y/%m/%d"}
    Y2 - {$citationData->accessed->raw|date_format:"%Y/%m/%d"}
    TI - {$citationData->title}
    JF - {$citationData->$containerTitle}
    JA - {$citationData->$containerTitleShort}
    VL - {$citationData->volume}
    IS - {$citationData->issue}
    SE - {$citationData->section}
    DO - {$citationData->DOI}
    UR - {$citationData->URL}
    SP - {$citationData->page}
    AB - {$citationData->abstract|replace:"\r\n":""|replace:"\n":""}
    ER -

I believe the issue is the variable $citationData->abstract


I have received a comment from @NateWr

There’s no configuration for this right now. I think that most citation formats don’t support the HTML characters, so we strip them, and there is not currently any logic in the code that would check the citation style and leave the HTML in for some. That’s maybe an improvement we could consider separately.


I believe that is working for me, by removing the htmlspecialchars function…

Testing 1: With the htmlspecialchars
$citationData->abstract = htmlspecialchars($publication->getLocalizedData(‘abstract’));


Testing 2: Without the htmlspecialchars - because the data is saved ready with html coding…
$citationData->abstract = $publication->getLocalizedData(‘abstract’);

Here is the output - that is looking at what the users want without HTML code…
AU - Aguilar, A.
AU - Borrell, A.
AU - Pastor, T.
PY - 1999/01/01
Y2 - 2020/10/20
TI - Biological factors affecting variability of persistent pollutant levels in cetaceans
JF - J. Cetacean Res. Manage.
VL -
IS -
SE - Articles
DO - 10.47536/jcrm.v1i1.264
UR - http://localhost/journal/index.php/jcrm/article/view/264
SP - 83-116
AB - The main biological factors responsible for the variability of pollutant concentrations in cetaceans are reviewed. Diet is significant because many pollutants are concentrated through food webs. This explains most interspecific differences in pollutant levels and it may also contribute to variation among populations of the same species or even among different components of the same population when diet is subject to age-related or sex-related variations. The effect of body size is complex. Excretion rate and activity of detoxifying enzymes decrease as body weight increases, processes which would lead to higher pollutant concentrations in large animals. In contrast, a high metabolic rate, which is inversely correlated to body size, is associated with high pollutant concentrations. These opposing effects usually result in higher residue levels in smaller individuals. Body composition affects the contribution of each body compartment to the overall pollutant load. Therefore, the body load of lipophilic pollutants will strongly depend on the relative mass of blubber, a variable that shows a threefold variation among cetacean species or, in seasonal feeders, among individuals. Nutritive condition also affects the dynamics of lipophilic pollutants. Lipid mobilisation results in an increase in residue levels, but this variation is not as large as a purely concentrative model would suggest because of enhancement of detoxification processes following a rise in tissue pollutant concentrations. Disease affects pollutant levels in different ways: impoverishing nutritive condition; altering normal physiological functions; and depressing reproduction therefore reducing reproductive transfer in females. The combined result of these processes is usually an increase in pollutant levels in diseased individuals. The concentration of lipophilic pollutants normally increases with age in males because input exceeds the ability of the organism to excrete pollutants. Variable proportions of the pollutant load are transferred to offspring during gestation and lactation, for which reason tissue concentrations in females decrease or stabilise, thus producing lower residue levels than in males. However, because not all compounds are transferred at the same rate, their relative abundance varies with age and sex.Intensity of reproductive transfer is also associated with the reproductive traits of the species, particularly the length of lactation. With the exception of zinc, concentrations of heavy metals increase with age in both sexes but, by contrast with lipophilic pollutants, concentrations in females are similar or higher than in males. The significance of these factors of variation should be taken into account when designing sampling methodology, comparing sample groups, or evaluating toxicological impact.
ER -


RIS is quite old (I think its history might be traced back to some early 80-s). So it is a plain text format and doesn’t allow for mark-up.

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Hi @Ph_We, some of our users want to download the “Citation” that will allow them to import it to another software like EndNote

As you can see on the image the “Download Citation”

BTW, thank you all: Our journal is working now!


Yes, but EndNote does not support any mark-up in RIS either. I tried to import your RIS into EndNote. And the abstract would still look like this:
&lt;p&gt;Report of the Workshop on Chemical Pollution and Cetaceans&lt;/p&gt;

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