check bellow 3 article showing Delete OAI
PHP 7.4
Hi @IJBSRR_Journal,
Could you please explain further what is happening here? What is the issue you are experiencing?
PKP Team
Please Check image Details
Only 3 Article OAI Record Header Deleted
Please Check image Details
Only 3 Article OAI Record Header Deleted
Hi @IJBSRR_Journal,
Sorry - I’m not sure what is happening here, so won’t be of much help.
PKP Team
Please about details Link
This means that your journal used to have three articles which have been removed. OAI endpoint is correctly showing those deleted records. This is to indicate that there used to be an article in the journal with the given identifier but it has been removed.
For example article/3 was at some point published in but like you can see by accessing that link it is not t here anymore.
This works according to the OAI PMH documentation:
Thanks. i think deleted 3 article is Test Article because we will removed some Test article
This does not affect your journal in any way so no need to worry about it. Services harvesting content via OAI endpoint know how to deal with these records.