Hello guys, how are you? I need some help on OJS. I’ve updated the OJS (after a lot of errors and problems) but I’m having troubles with the charset/encoding. Strange characters, the same of a lot of people, like this: “ê á êà Ô
My config.ing.php:
; Default locale
locale = en_US; Client output/input character set
client_charset = utf-8; Database connection character set
; Must be set to “Off” if not supported by the database server
; If enabled, must be the same character set as “client_charset”
; (although the actual name may differ slightly depending on the server)
connection_charset = utf8; Database collation
collation = utf8_unicode_ci
But it looks like the problem is in the Database, the db and all collations are utf8_unicode_ci.
I tried connection_charset = Off/On/utf-8 and utf8.
I tried all database collation in config.inc.php possible, On/Off/utf8/utf-8/ utf8_general_ci/utf8_unicode_ci.
I tried change all the db for utf8_bin and utf8_general_ci.
I’ve updated for 3.2.1-2, 3.2.1-1 and 3.2.0-3 but the problem persist, that’s why I think the problem it’s in my db.
I tried in Softaculous app too.
I tried all solutions in this forum and forums in my language.
I don’t know more what to do, the company needs this update and I need solve this problem.
I hope someone can help me, thank you.