Can I change the file names assigned by OJS after submission and the names assigned for the review version. Unable to understand the current nomenclature which OJS is using.
I am not asking about changing the path of files. I am interested in understanding the way OJS assigns names to the files when they are submitted by an author and when editor assigns it to a reviewer. Is there a specific pattern these file names are following? This is important for us in aligning our Manuscript numbers.
Example: Uploaded by one author: File name: User1.pdf
File appears in OJS after being uploaded as: 2-5-2-SM.pdf
File appears in OJS after being assigned to reviewer: 2-6-1-RV.pdf
Uploaded by second author : File name: User2.pdf
File appears in OJS after being uploaded as: 4-8-1-SM.pdf
Hi @pcansf,
The components of the filename are [Article ID]-[File ID]-[Revision]-[Stage]
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you so much. It was really helpful.