Changing the direction of the menus from left to right in journals that using RTL language

Describe the problem you would like to solve
In OJS 3.3 The sidebar menus in the backend appears in the left side of the dashboard for the journals that use RTL language which is really cause confusion for editors, section editor, layout editor, …etc. As shown in the figure below.

Describe the solution you’d like
It would be great if PKP team can change the direction of the menus from left side to right

Who is asking for this feature?
Journal Managers, Editors, Section Editors, and layout Editors have proposed to do this change. This feature will help them to facilitate their work in the OJS platform especially for those who is using RTL languages as main language to manage their work.

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Hi @Salam_Al-Khammasi,

Thank you for your post. An interesting proposal. So far as I can tell OJS does not currently support this, but it might make a good candidate for a Feature Request. You can do that by creating a forum post, selecting the Feature Request category, and describing your use case under the headings provided.

Best regards,

PKP Team

Thank you so much @rcgillis. I just edited the post and changed it to (Feature Requests). Just to let u know that when we design RTL pages we make lists the way I described. I hope the community and the PKP team support and vote this feature because it will facilitate the use of OJS for the audience who are using RTL languages.

Hi @Salam_Al-Khammasi,

Thanks for changing this - that makes sense. But would you mind changing the headings to include the default ones that we use for Feature Requests:

Describe the problem you would like to solve

Describe the solution you’d like

Who is asking for this feature?

You can see an example of how this is structured here: Adding article ID in the file names

This helps us keep feature requests well-understood and organized.




Dear @rcgillis
Thank you so much for your directions. I followed them and updated the post as you recommended


Hi @Salam_Al-Khammasi, this will be fixed in 3.4. The work has already been done and it will go out with the 3.4 release coming soon.


Hi @NateWr,
Awsome! Thanks a lot for taking care of that. Wish u all the best for your great effort to make this system looks amazing.
Kind Regards,

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@NateWr once the feature is implemented, should we move this FR to the regular forum?

When we implement a feature, we’ll close the topic, which will release any votes back to their user.

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