Hi all,
if we wanted to change the labels of the drop-down menu (accepted, revisions required, etc.) in the Editor decision step after the peer-review process is completed, how would you suggest that we do it?
Thank you
Best regards
Hi @valeria,
There are a few recent threads on this – see e.g. Changing the Options in the Editor Decision Tree. Also, please include your OJS version in your posts.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher, thank you!
I found what I needed.
Best regards
Hi @asmecher, I was wondering if it would be possible to do the same thing also for the drop-down menu in the reviewer decision panel.
We are using OJS
Thank you
Look for reviewer.article.decision.pendingRevisions
and reviewer.article.decision.resubmitHere
@ajnyga, thank you!
Is it possible to change this at the journal level?
Thank you
Best regards
I believe it is possible with the Translation Plugin, but I have not tested that yet GitHub - pkp/translator: PKP Translator plugin for OMP 1.1.1+ and OJS 3.0+
Hi @ajnyga, thank you.