Changing a journal OJS 2.4.8 to another hosting and upgrading to 3.2

Hello. The Social Science Institution I work for needs to migrate a journal running on OJS 2.4.8 to a new host. Besides, they want to upgrade to 3.2 version.

I figured to install the 2.4.8 version in the new host. Export users and issues in xml format from the old server and then upgrade.

I did most of what I explained, but I cannot upload issues and articles. Appeared this message of error many times: “El título de sección “Notas editoriales” del número “Psicoanálisis y Literatura en Europa y las Américas” se corresponde con una sección existente de la revista, pero otro título de esta sección no se corresponde con un título en la sección existente de la revista”, and twice this message: Falta un título de artículo para el número “Psicologización de la religiosidad/sacralización de la psicoterapia” en la sección “Artículos”. Asegúrese de que el documento XML se ajusta a la DTD apropiada y que se proporcionó un título para la configuración regional de la revista.”

Regard users migration appear "DB Error: Column ‘first_name’ cannot be null”.

Has anyone experienced this problems?

Is there another way to move from hosting and upgrading versions?

Hi Jvil,

from my experience XML import/export between different OJS versions is not supported.

You should transfer the database between installations (if they already are on the same server you only need to change the credentials in, the files and the public folder and afterwards run the OJS upgrade script as described here:

Best wishes,

Thank you for your answer, Ronald. We are going to try this recomendation these days, that we are going to start with the migration.
Thank you