Change year format in issues

I want to change the year format under Issues.
It should be 2023-24

How do I do it and is it possible?
I am using

Thanks in advance

Hi @gdlenne,

You can edit the date/time options, in 3.4, but the options are limited: Change year format in issues

PKP Team

How can I change? I want the “Year” in Issues to look like 2023-24 and not just one year

Hi @gdlenne,

Can you provide more clarity on where you’d like to see this appear, such as through providing a screenshot?

PKP Team

When I’m going to add a new “Issue”, it’s Volume, number, and year.
Under ‘year’ we want it to read 2023-24 because we have split the year.
Today, it’s not possible to write anything other than whole numbers.

You can’t. The schema for the database field defines it as integer value. You would have to change both the definition of the database field as well as the schema (schemas/issue.json) - with unknown consequences for the application (e.g. Citation Style Language plugin) and third-party interfaces, e.g. to Crossref.

You cold add the year range either to the issue title or the issue description (and remove the tick mark at year).

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Thank You for your quick and excelent reply.

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