Is it possible for OJS to automatically CC other users when an editor records an editorial decision (decline, revise, etc.) and sends the email to the author? We’d like for members of the editorial staff to have notification when this happens.
We’re running 3.0.2. Thanks!
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Hi @akoehler,
This might be a useful general feature, or it might be best implemented as a one-off, depending on the details. Would this go to e.g. a specific email account, or all editorial users, or all editors assigned to the submission?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
For our purposes, it would be best if the primary contact were the address copied. I could see it also being very useful to go to all editors assigned to the manuscript.
I see that a year has passed since this request, I would like to second it too and find out if there has been any progress with respect to it. It is a feature that would make an e-mail log of sorts, which is very useful.
I have asked about a feature similar to this earlier. Copies of Automatic Reminders to Editor/Section Editors in - #12 by ctgraham
There is some discussion there but I was never able to figure out the code changes needed.
It would be useful to have copies of emails and notifications sent to both the journal editor and section editor for a submission.
I am using
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I would like to add a +1 to this feature request as well. One of our journals is missing it after moving from OJS 2 to 3. The main use case is for editors to CC themselves when sending decision emails to authors, as a way of keeping an additional record.
Thank you for considering!
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hi @asmecher could you show me where the code i need to put to add cc and bcc on editorial decision emails.
Any updates concerning the ‘CC other users on Editorial Decision emails’-function?
Hi @Eilbacher,
Not yet. The best way to watch for updates is to subscribe to changes on Add recipient control on email forms · Issue #743 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi, We are using OJS for three different journals at the moment. We certainly appreciate the function to BCC reviewers on editorial decision emails to authors. This is basically standard practice and is great but there is a BIG problem with BCC (that you are aware of) in that it exposes the author information to the reviewers - thus breaking the double blind peer review process. This is not good for the reputation of our journals that take every measure to uphold a double blind peer review process. The editors were using the BCC function without fully understanding the implications. They have since stopped utilizing it. I have one suggestion or feature request in this regard. Is it possible to add an additional option to CC the decision letter to another user’s email (e.g., one with the managing editor role) and leave it to them to prepare and send to reviewers outside of OJS? In our case, this upholds double blind peer review and still benefits from the added value of “forwarding” decision letters to reviewers.
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