Presently I am using OJS is having registration issue. A new user is unable to register because captcha is not showing any character image unable to complete validation kindly give me a suitable solution.
Presently I am using OJS is having registration issue. A new user is unable to register because captcha is not showing any character image unable to complete validation kindly give me a suitable solution.
As I can see that captcha is actually generating a random sequential number on every page refresh (You can see it with right click over the image and open the image into new tab, there at the address bar the number always changes after every refresh), which means your captcha code is generating every time but is not visible in this png image, So what should we do now?
In my view you should try to change the font color of the captcha text.
for this you can go to (considering I am working on windows platform) C:\xampp\htdocs\ojs-2.4.8\lib\pkp\classes\captcha\
this page and try to change the captcha text color from this page.
You can also try to change png to jpeg in this code on the same page
function getMimeType() {
return ‘image/png’;
I hope this method will help you to solve your problem or at least it will help you to open another door towards problem solving.
Captcha i change value of color and jpeg also. it is not visible any image. what to do? please advise. I am unable to any user registration in this site. is it anyway to remove captcha features in user registration. please let me know.