I would like to add captcha to login page (using ver 2.4.3). I edited the \lib\pkp\templates\user\login.tpl file by copying captcha html code from \templates\user\register.tpl but I can’t find the .php file that handle the page and what code should I copy from. I also edited the config.inc.php file to set captcha and recaptcha on.
Am I doing right thing? Or should I do anything other than those?
@ctgraham I have made a change like this but it seems like post validate doesn’t work, could you take a look at the file? The captcha is showing though… It just doesn’t validate
If CAPTCHA/ReCAPTCHA does not work both on the Registration page (per the PKP code) and on the Login page (per your code), the problem is likely a server setting. If the Registration page works, but Login does not, the problem is likely in your code.
The best way to share your code is to commit it to GitHub and then provide a link to the commit or to the branch with the commit here.