Can't view XML file in OJS

Hello @asmecher I hope everything goes well

Can’t view file in OJS .

The message is Error during loading. Please try again.
I see the log and don’t show anything, others articles if seen, in the same issue.

Here is the link that don’t show file: La representación descriptiva y simbólica de las mujeres en el proceso de paridad de género en Sistemas Normativos Indígenas de Oaxaca, México | Revista Interdisciplinaria de Estudios de Género de El Colegio de México
And here is the issue complete:
Vol. 7 (2021): (febrero-diciembre 2021) | Revista Interdisciplinaria de Estudios de Género de El Colegio de México

títulos articulos 21042021

¡Thanks for your time!
Regards from México.

Hi @Daniel_delagarza

It appears that you have some broken XML:

The plugin can’t transform it to HTML because it can’t parse it.


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I understood that when it is not seen, you have to see the xml in the browser and see how it shows

Thanks a lot @jnugent

Found today a similar error.
Daniel, did you found how to fix this?

Checking the console I found JS is yelling because the XML include " " chars, so I feel changing them to simple spaces, will fix it.

Anyway, the Lens plugin is obsolete and deprecated and kills the SEO and you can dowload jats via OAI, so my recommendation is not using Lens any more. In case you like to deliver the JATS files (I don’t see a real need for this as JATS is an internal format) just let download them.