I can’t update my website setting in OJS 3.2.1 (updated from 2.4.8). Just opening the setting page, console browser shows this error:
WEBSITE.COM/public/site/? 403 (Forbidden)
Apache logs:
CODE 404 GET /public/site/? HTTP/1.0
AH01276: Cannot serve directory /var/www/vhosts/WEBSITE-FOLDER/public/site/: > No matching DirectoryIndex (index.html,index.cgi,index.pl,index.php,index.xhtml,index.htm,index.shtml) found, and server-generated directory index forbidden by Options directive, referer: http://WEBSITE.com/index.php/index/admin/settings
I don’t have ModSecurity installed on server and don’t have the same problems modifing the journal’s settings (/public/journals is accessible ). I have the same permissions and proprietary/group name for /public/journals and /public/site folders.
If I modify my setting data and click save, nothing happens (just a circle rounding).
This is my browser console:
POST http://test-WEBSITE.com/index.php/index/$$$call$$$/tab/settings/admin-settings-tab/save-form-data?tab=siteSetup 500 (Internal Server Error)
and between Apache logs:
CODE 500 POST /index.php/index/$$$call$$$/tab/settings/admin-settings-tab/save-form-data?tab=siteSetup HTTP/1.0
mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method SiteSetupForm::getFormLocale() in /var/www/vhosts/WEBSITE-FOLDER/lib/pkp/classes/admin/form/PKPSiteSettingsForm.inc.php:135, referer: http://WEBSITE.com/index.php/index/admin/settings
This is for main webstite setting, the journals’s setting page instead is OK.
Thank you