I was trying to create a custom theme but i can’t override the header template.
i even tried to install the Bootstrap3 theme but the theme styles was missed up i checked it out in the browser inspect and i found that the default header is the one loaded not the bootstrap custom header.
I’m using OJS 3 the latest version,
i’m not asking about the Bootstrap3 theme i’m just saying the header.tpl can’t be overridden i’m trying to build a custom theme but i can’t override the header template.
i thought i might have done something wrong but when i installed the bootstrap3 theme and saw that it’s also not working i asked the question.
Presumably you’re using an existing theme plugin as a template for your custom theme, though – if we’re able to figure out what’s happening with Bootstrap3, then maybe the same solution will apply to your custom theme. However, I can’t comment on code I don’t know, so it’ll be easier to debug Bootstrap3. If you can let me know what exact version of OJS you’re using, and how you installed the Bootstrap3 plugin, I can maybe suggest some places to look.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
We had the same problem when tried to test the new version, the override for header and footer was solve but still have some issues.
Each one of our journals use a different way to show the language selector so we modified the block.tpl replacing the code by this line {include file=“frontend/components/language.tpl”} for manage the custom view in each template.
Running OJS 3.1.2-1 (latest version), I dont know why but it takes one of this files for cache and doesn’t read the others files, this happend switching between the journals.
I attach some captures of how it should look although it only shows the first style it reads. The captures correspond to the templates working in 3.1.1-2.
Each journal has a custom template plugin based on Default Manuscript. So, I replace, on languageToggle plugin in block.tpl, the code for an include ( - {include file=“frontend/components/language.tpl”} - ) and the routes for override each custom language.tpl are:
I did a quick test with OJS 3.1.2-1 and it behaves as expected (two journals, each with its own theme based on default manuscript, and an include as you specify above). Is it possible that your adaptation of the theme for each journal is incomplete, i.e. some references to defaultManuscript exist in the themes derived from it? Check e.g. version.xml and the theme classes for possible cases.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
We have solved the issue but not in the same way. Finally, we carry out the different customizations within the same block.tpl file using if, elseif, else to decide which journal corresponds. Even so, the previous way of customizing the language module by an - include - to an the specific file worked well in the previous version, although it is not clear because it does not do it in the latest version, it can be a modification of Smarty 3. It is not the solution, but it is an alternative that works.
I’m glad you’ve worked around the issue, but I think I liked your previous approach’s portability better. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to replicate the problem. I’ll talk it over with the devs and see if anything rings a bell for them.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team