I can’t edit some email temp
Hi @Tan,
The error message is saying that you need a subject and a body in the email template. Did you try to delete the subject or body from the email template? Or did you simply try to change text in the subject and/or the body and you are getting the error message when you try to save the changes?
Also which email templates are you able to edit and which are you not?
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank for your reply, i wan’t to tranlate email template to Vietnamese. But i can’t. I only tranlate and save oginal template
Hi @tan,
Do you have a site-wide locale installed for Vietnamese or are you working with an English locale and trying to translate individual email templates into Vietnamese?
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
Now, i’m editing on locale English (en_us), but i tranlate all to Vietnamese (xml file). With some template mail i can edit ex : Review Request template email. I see some checkbox are hidden. I tried to edit by English or write more one characters (space, point…) on Subject and body but dont’ sucessful.
p/s: I write English not well
Hi @tan,
Thanks for the further information. It makes sense that you’re using the English locale and translating the email templates into Vietnamese. I’m still a little unclear about what you need. If an email can’t be enabled/disabled, that doesn’t mean anything is wrong with the template. It just means that the email is sent manually, not automatically by OJS, so disabling it doesn’t really make sense.
If you are editing the email templates in the .xml file in the locale folder, it won’t have any effect on journals that have already been created. When a journal is created, the email templates are loaded from the .xml files and installed in the database. Thereafter, edits will need to happen in the database or you can reload the xml files that you’ve edited.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team