Can we change the configuration from the following without changing anything else on the system? Yes, all url pointers inbound would need to change…but is anything else required to change? Or should we just use restful urls to mask this? Thanks!
; The canonical URL to the OJS installation (excluding the trailing slash)
base_url = “ is for sale”
; The canonical URL to the OJS installation (excluding the trailing slash)
base_url = “”
So you want to change the domain of your journal(s)? That way OJS will work fine. But, because you also have the ‘folder’ ojs-2.4.2 i.e. ojs in your URL, it could be that TinyMCE saved that path in the texts, so please do check/search your DB, to see if there are any URLs or “ojs-2.4.2” in your texts. If you are using the StatisticsPlugin, you would have to change all statistics log files containing the old URL, if you would like to calculate the statistics from them again/anew. To be on the safe side, search also in the OJS source code and files folder, if you can find the URL.