Cannot view my dashboard/submission after migration ojs version OJS

Hello Please someone help i cannot view my dashboard/submission after migration and i cant download articles pdf files OJS

Error showing when opening the pdf (PDF.js v2.6.347 (build: 3be9c65f)
Message: Unexpected server response (500) while retrieving PDF “”.)

this is my PHP log error.

#0 /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local->ensureDirectory(‘/home/voyagesj/…’)
#1 /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local->__construct(‘/home/voyagesj/…’, 2, 2, Array)
#2 /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ PKP\Services\PKPFileService->__construct()
#3 /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ APP\Services\OJSServiceProvider->APP\Services{closure}(Object(Pimple\Container))
#4 /home1/gombeacr/public_html/voyagesjournalg in /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ on line 112
[19-Jan-2025 17:45:24 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught League\Flysystem\Exception: Impossible to create the root directory “/home/voyagesj/public_html/files”. mkdir(): Permission denied in /home1/gombeacr/public_html/
Stack trace:
#0 /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local->ensureDirectory(‘/home/voyagesj/…’)
#1 /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local->__construct(‘/home/voyagesj/…’, 2, 2, Array)
#2 /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ PKP\Services\PKPFileService->__construct()
#3 /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ APP\Services\OJSServiceProvider->APP\Services{closure}(Object(Pimple\Container))
#4 /home1/gombeacr/public_html/voyagesjournalg in /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ on line 112
[19-Jan-2025 17:46:03 UTC] PHP Warning: mkdir(): Permission denied in /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ on line 312
[19-Jan-2025 17:46:03 UTC] PHP Warning: assert(): assert(false) failed in /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ on line 761
[19-Jan-2025 17:46:06 UTC] PHP Warning: mkdir(): Permission denied in /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ on line 312
[19-Jan-2025 17:46:06 UTC] PHP Warning: assert(): assert(false) failed in /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ on line 761
[19-Jan-2025 17:46:40 UTC] PHP Warning: mkdir(): Permission denied in /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ on line 312
[19-Jan-2025 17:46:40 UTC] PHP Warning: assert(): assert(false) failed in /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ on line 761
[19-Jan-2025 18:06:53 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught League\Flysystem\Exception: Impossible to create the root directory “/home/voyagesj/public_html/files”. mkdir(): Permission denied in /home1/gombeacr/public_html/
Stack trace:
#0 /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local->ensureDirectory(‘/home/voyagesj/…’)
#1 /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local->__construct(‘/home/voyagesj/…’, 2, 2, Array)
#2 /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ PKP\Services\PKPFileService->__construct()
#3 /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ APP\Services\OJSServiceProvider->APP\Services{closure}(Object(Pimple\Container))
#4 /home1/gombeacr/public_html/voyagesjournalg in /home1/gombeacr/public_html/ on line 112

Hi @Haruna_Kawuwa,

I see two problems here:

  1. Your files_dir (set in is inside your public_html directory. This is an unsafe configuration and will get you hacked! This is noted in the configuration file, on the installation form, and elsewhere. Make sure to move this directory outside of public_html.
  2. You have a file permissions problem:
    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught League\Flysystem\Exception: Impossible to create the root directory “/home/voyagesj/public_html/files”. mkdir(): Permission denied
    Again, make sure that the files_dir is set properly in, and that OJS has permission to administer it and its contents.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you for the support given.
I have done as you said move my files directory outside public_html and issue of accessing submission page resolve however i still cannot view or download my previous journal that was been uploaded before the migration.
I set this in my

; Complete path to directory to store uploaded files
; (This directory should not be directly web-accessible)
; Windows users should use forward slashes
files_dir = files/journals/1/articles

And this is the error im getting when trying to view or download the old journal files.

(PDF.js v2.6.347 (build: 3be9c65f)
Message: Missing PDF “”.

And this is the url of the file:

Thank you

Hi @Haruna_Kawuwa,

The setting you quoted (files_dir = files/journals/1/articles) is also incorrect.

  1. For security, you need to move your files directory outside of the web root. You can do this using a CPanel based file manager or something similar. It currently seems to be /home/voyagesj/public_html/files.
  2. Then, then you need to tell OJS where to find it by editing and setting files_dir appropriately. It should probably be an absolute path – e.g. /home/voyagesj/... (with the right pathname in place of ...).

This is server specific, so I’m afraid I can’t be of more specific help.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks for the reply. If i moved my All ojs files directory outside public_html i cannot view the site through my domain because its addon domain.
Also, i moved only the folder where my files are outside public_html i changed the file_dir in config_inc.php still showing error when view PDF from the articles, and its creates a folder (file) auntomatic and moving it outside. Please guide me more i am new to this and not too good with php. Thank you

Hi @Haruna_Kawuwa,

I’m not sure I’m following.

  • What did you set your files_dir to in
  • When you look inside that folder, what do you see?
  • What do you mean when you say “its creates a folder (file) auntomatic and moving it outside”?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you so much i have fixed the issue i missed something when editing my config_inc.php to update my file_dir. Thank for the support given.