Cannot Deposit Articles DOI Automatically - DOI registration server 'Error 401 unauthorized'

Dear All,

I am using OJS and our website is
Based on the guidelines provided on the Crossref website, we have done the following, however, the DOI link directs us to a page where DOI is not found:

  1. We enabled the DOI Plugin from Public Identifier Plugins
  2. Then we choose DOI for articles and filled the Prefix you sent to us and chose default patterns for suffix
  3. After that, we clicked on assign DOIs, which provided a DOI for all articles, conferences, etc (however, we only need DOI for researches/articles and we need your help in that too)
  4. We also installed the Crossref Reference Linking Plugin and enabled it
  5. We tried to deposit each article from CrossRef XML Export Plugin in the Import/Export Plugins Section, using the Deposit name (The British University in Egypt), my email as it was the email used for paying the fees, and the username and Password of the Technical Contact, then, when we tried to deposit each article, it gave us an error as you see on the attached image

This is what i get when i try to deposit the articles

DOI Error
and that’s what i get when i open the DOI because it is not deposited yet of course

Please Let me know if there is a missing step or there is something that should do!!

Do you sovle above issue now? I encounter the same problem.

Hi Angela,

Yes, I solved it … for my issue it was giving me an error “401 unauthorized”, which typically meant that the problem came from the credentials i used
So if you are sure that you wrote your credentials right, then follow this:
i found that at the username field, you don’t use your email only, there should be a role name or code that was given to you by the CrossRef or the institution that you are dealing with and you should add it like that:
you have to make sure that you are writing the email + slash (/) + role
and of-course the email and password are the ones you use to login to the website of the DOI provider (i.e CrossRef)

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