Newbie here. I am uploading some journal articles from the backend (without the whole review process as that was done on paper). I have uploaded the articles and I can see in submissions that they are there but I don´t see how to get them to the next stage so I can publish them. I have enabled my profile to have full access to everything (i believe).
Could someone please help me with this?
Hi @delwark
What is your OJS version? Are you attempting publish this articles in a regular submission workflow?
If those articles don’t require review you may use Quick Submit Plugin. First of all make sure you have it installed and enabled (Settings > Website > Plugins (Plugin Gallery tab)
Then, once you have did it, go to Tools > Import and choose this option of submission.
Israel Cefrin
Public Knowledge Project Team
WOW, thank you @israel.cefrin
OJS 3.x No, I´m just submitting them from the backend.
Works like a charm. I don´t know if I missed that part in the documentation or your tutorials on youtube but I would suggest highlighting that plugin a little more. Or adding it if it isn´t there.
Thanks again so much!
Sir i have same problem, when i try to install quick submit plugin after click ok the page remain same no execution occur.
when i download it and install it it showed installed, but when i go to run through toos> import/export the page i got its total blank.