OJS 3.2.1-1 (upgraded from 3.1.1-4)
The editor of the journal I manage reports that he is losing metadata.
I’ve found that he does some proofreading/copyediting after the submission has been already scheduled for publication within a future issue, adding mainly translations to abstracts, keywords and a couple of additional details that the author did not enter.
Might this be the cause why they are losing metadata, i.e, inserting/modifying text after a submission has already been scheduled for publication within a future issue? They only lose the modifications/additions done.
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Hi again,
This is what I’ve found, and where the error might have been.
When editing a publication’s details (Title & Abstract, Metadata, References, etc.) the Save button does only effect the detail in turn, ie, Title & Abstact xor Metadata xor References. The Save button scope is only the detail page.
A user editing several details pages thinks that saving at the end of his/her editions will save all the changes, regardless which details page he/she edited. However, as the scope of the Save button is only a single detail page, the detail page data inserted/modified the last will be the only saved.
May be a note in the UI will help, or making the Save button scope global.