Hello. Is there a way to upload a video to OJS? Thank you very much.
Yes - provided OJS is appropriately setup, there is an option to add a multimedia component as part of the submission process: Workflow Settings - allowing authors to upload a video submission as part of the article components.
PKP team
Hello Cicero,
we published a video article as a test and decided to link the actual video to a Vimeo account (or YouTube) using the external link. We chose this process because the video was very very large… You may view it here: Pronation Technique in ARDS Patients | AboutOpen
It was a test, but we think it is a reasonable process.
Thank you very much.
Upload: Yes. Stream: no, according to our tests. It’s better to embed via external video platforms such as Vimeo that are able to stream and to provide the right codecs depending on connectivity.
See also
Thank you, very much!!!
Hello, good day Isteele, I hope I’m not bothering you, I was looking at the journal that you kindly shared and I was wondering if you could elaborate a little more on the process to achieve this, I’m lacking experience in ojs and I can’t find how to do it properly; I’m having troubles with the video included in the ‘abstract’ section, as well as all the video-related in the right area.
Dear Sapphire240400,
this is what we did.
- first the video supplied by the author was completed by an introductory slide to brand the journal.
- we created an account on Vimeo (but you can use YouTube if you like) and uploaded the video, getting a link to view it. The video itself cannot be added to OJS;
- in the abstract we added an image (we created an image to match the video arrows) and added a link to it. Our image was 750 pixel wide and it displays where you choose in the abstract;
- in the galleys we added a Video, which is a file available through the video link; This then displays in the galleys
- we added a cover image to the issue tab in publication. This is not linkable, it only displays in the table of contents.
I hope this help. as you can see the video is actually available in several positions within the article.
I you need more info, don’t panic, I am here and will help
Dear Sapphire240400,
I have also found examples where you can embed a video, which I cannot do: https://www.psychoanalyse-journal.ch/article/view/jfp.59.5/939
Follow the thread and let’s see if more information will become available.
Hi @sapphire240400 ,
if you wanted to embed a running video directly in the article details page, you would have to edit the article_details.tpl template - however, I recommend against doing so.
The Journal für Psychoanalyse issue with the video content has HTML galleys which include an iframe or several iframes that loads the Vimeo videos. For this, the HTML galley plugin needs to be enabled. We use a special plugin that also displays the header and footer of the journal. See https://www.psychoanalyse-journal.ch/issue/view/172 for whole issue and https://www.psychoanalyse-journal.ch/article/view/jfp.59.5/939 for an example (there, you can inspect the HTML code using your browser’s Web inspector).
In addition, we uploaded the videos as supplementary material so that they are archived within OJS, see e.g. https://doi.org/10.18754/jfp.59.5 .
Hello, thanks a lot for your kind response, I was able to apply the same process that you related, and it worked!
Really thanks!
Hello @mpbraendle as you said, I was trying to run a video directly on the article details, I was looking at the article_details.tpl previously and even added an iframe with the video on it, but that leads me to another problem… and that’s that when I add the iframe on article_details.tpl all my articles will have the same video on it … I’m not sure if there’s a way to correct this?..
I’ve tried to install plugins to help me handle this… but unfortunately, the configuration of my hosting doesn’t allow me to install new plugins (apparently, an exec error in php.ini), excuse me, in the example that you’ve provided (the one with videos on it) yourself made up the structure of the HTML from the start …? Or there’s any template to use for it…?
Of course you need to dynamically load the data in the template, and you have to use Smarty variables. You are on your own to do this. See here for instructions: https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/pkp-theming-guide/en/html-smarty.html and https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/pkp-theming-guide/en/template-variables
Regarding your second question: Yes, the HTML galley was produced by the publisher (with some help from me). The usual way we recommend is to export the MS Word article as HTML and then use one of the HTML cleaning tools available on the Web to strip out unnecessary HTML elements, attributes and CSS classes produced by MS Word.
Understood! Thanks for the resources and advice!!
It’s greatly appreciated!!
Greetings and thanks again!