"$$$call$$$" ojs 3


I use ojs 3.1

I need to place a link in the sidebar so that users can configure their notifications.

I need the link on this page:09

When I look at the url it appears: Notifications

But in link href = “https://ojstest.com/rduss/index.php/rduss/$$$call$$$/tab/user/profile-tab/notification-settings” takes me to an error page…

What link can I use to show me the notifications section of the user profile?

Hi @Jose_David_Alarcon_A,

The page where users configure their notifications is on the user’s profile and only accessible when the user is logged into their account. It’s not possible to get a URL for this page that will work for every user.

Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you very much for your reply…

I know that users must log in to access notification settings …

Is it possible, once the user logs in, to show the link to modify the notifications?

Currently in the OJS would have to ask him to look for the peta notifications in the user profile and make changes there …

but I would like to show you a direct link only to notifications … is it possible?

Thanks for everything!

Hi @Jose_David_Alarcon_A,

There was a Notification Block Plugin for OJS 2 that had links for logged in users to view their notifications and not logged in users to subscribe to notifications. It has not been updated to OJS 3, but you could try searching for the plugin code on Git and working off of that. Other users may have other suggestions.

Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Hi @Jose_David_Alarcon_A,

As per your link, notification is a function in the following file:


This function should have been called in some template. So, I suggest you find the template for that left hand side menu and call that function there.

I cannot tell you which template contains that left hand menu items.


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