Bugs in DOAJ export plugin: ORCID iD missing in JSON, registration of duplicates possible

Describe the issues or problems

  1. While the DOAJ export plugin includes the ORCID iD of an author in the exported XML, it does not so in the JSON that is sent to the DOAJ API.

  2. When an article is already marked registered in the DOAJ export plugin, and the user wants to register again (e.g. because of an update), PUT should be used instead of POST . Otherwise a duplicate will be created at DOAJ.

Steps I took leading up to the issue

  1. ORCID iD is missing in ojs/DOAJJsonFilter.php at main · pkp/ojs · GitHub

DOAJ includes the ORCID iD in its JSON schema:

  1. There is only POST in the plugin code:

DOAJ API requires PUT for updates: https://doaj.org/api/docs#!/CRUD_Articles/put_api_articles_article_id

What application are you using?
OJS 3.3.0-13

Captured DOAJ bibjson part of an article:

{"bibjson":{"journal":{"publisher":"University of Zurich, IKMZ \u2013 Department of Communication and Media Research","title":"European Journal of Health Communication","issns":["2673-5903"],"volume":3,"number":"3"},"title":"The Effects of Teacher Communication During a Health Intervention on Older Adolescents\u2019 Predictors of Health Behaviour","identifier":[{"type":"doi","id":"10.47368\/ejhc.2022.307"},{"type":"eissn","id":"2673-5903"}],"year":"2022","month":"November","start_page":"143","end_page":"163","link":[{"url":"https:\/\/ejhc.org\/article\/view\/3150","type":"fulltext","content_type":"html"}],"author":[{"name":"Mathijs Mesman","affiliation":"Amsterdam School of Communication Research, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands"},{"name":"Hanneke Hendriks","affiliation":"Amsterdam School of Communication Research, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands"},{"name":"Simone Onrust","affiliation":"Trimbos Institute, the Netherlands"},{"name":"Bas van den Putte","affiliation":"Amsterdam School of Communication Research, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands"}],"abstract":"\nThis study investigated the influence of teacher communication behaviours on predictors of alcohol use, snack intake, and physical exercise during a school-based health intervention. Additionally, we investigated whether students\u2019 evaluations of the intervention mediated these effects. In a two-way prospective study, 389 adolescents (222 females; Mage\u00a0=\u00a016.64, SDage\u00a0=\u00a01.97) completed a survey. Key variables were teacher communication behaviours (i.e., clarity, verbal immediacy, and content relevance), predictors (i.e., attitudes, social norms, perceived behavioural control, and intentions) of alcohol use, snack intake, and physical exercise, and students\u2019 evaluations of the health intervention were investigated. Results showed that teacher clarity resulted in significantly healthier injunctive norms and higher perceived behavioural control regarding alcohol use, and for exercise in significantly healthier attitudes, descriptive norms, and intentions to exercise. No effects of teacher clarity were found for snack intake. Furthermore, teacher clarity, verbal immediacy, and content relevance did not indirectly result in healthier predictors of health behaviour through evaluations of the intervention. Findings support the role of teacher clarity for intervention effectiveness, and advise designers of health interventions to incorporate the role of teacher clarity in their teacher training programs to achieve more desired changes in health behaviour.\n","keywords":["interpersonal communication","health behaviour","adolescents","school-based intervention","teacher communication"]}}

DOAJ XML export of the same article

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<records xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://doaj.org/static/doaj/doajArticles.xsd">
    <publisher>University of Zurich, IKMZ – Department of Communication and Media Research</publisher>
    <journalTitle>European Journal of Health Communication</journalTitle>
    <title language="eng">The Effects of Teacher Communication During a Health Intervention on Older Adolescents’ Predictors of Health Behaviour</title>
        <name>Mathijs Mesman</name>
        <name>Hanneke Hendriks</name>
        <name>Simone Onrust</name>
        <name>Bas van den Putte</name>
      <affiliationName affiliationId="0">Amsterdam School of Communication Research, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands</affiliationName>
      <affiliationName affiliationId="1">Trimbos Institute, the Netherlands</affiliationName>
    <abstract language="eng">
This study investigated the influence of teacher communication behaviours on predictors of alcohol use, snack intake, and physical exercise during a school-based health intervention. Additionally, we investigated whether students’ evaluations of the intervention mediated these effects. In a two-way prospective study, 389 adolescents (222 females; Mage = 16.64, SDage = 1.97) completed a survey. Key variables were teacher communication behaviours (i.e., clarity, verbal immediacy, and content relevance), predictors (i.e., attitudes, social norms, perceived behavioural control, and intentions) of alcohol use, snack intake, and physical exercise, and students’ evaluations of the health intervention were investigated. Results showed that teacher clarity resulted in significantly healthier injunctive norms and higher perceived behavioural control regarding alcohol use, and for exercise in significantly healthier attitudes, descriptive norms, and intentions to exercise. No effects of teacher clarity were found for snack intake. Furthermore, teacher clarity, verbal immediacy, and content relevance did not indirectly result in healthier predictors of health behaviour through evaluations of the intervention. Findings support the role of teacher clarity for intervention effectiveness, and advise designers of health interventions to incorporate the role of teacher clarity in their teacher training programs to achieve more desired changes in health behaviour.
    <fullTextUrl format="html">https://ejhc.org/article/view/3150</fullTextUrl>
    <keywords language="eng">
      <keyword>interpersonal communication</keyword>
      <keyword>health behaviour</keyword>
      <keyword>school-based intervention</keyword>
      <keyword>teacher communication</keyword>

@asmecher - I’ve opened two Github issues referencing this post: