Sorry, but I don’t know if this is the right place to report a bug?
Second, I am not sure if it is a bug or just me.
In OJS, in the journal management page → Payments section, you can add add some text with html tags under the Article Publication Fee section. It shows properly in the Authors Information page.
That text is then also shown to the Author when (s)he click on the “Pay To Publish” link from within her/his progile. But there, the html tags used are not shown properly, i.e. the text is shown like:
I suspect you’ve entered the same content into two places – the Author Information field in Setup, and the manual payment instructions field – and only one of those is showing correctly. Can you verify?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
No. It is not the same content, and not in the Author Information page.
a) I have some text at: /ojs/journal_name/manager/payments in the Article Publication > Fee description section.
This text shows up properly at: /ojs/journal_name/about/submissions
b) I have some other text (plain text) at: /ojs/journal_name/manager/payMethodSettings in Manual Payment Settings Instructions
as long as that I have some text at b) authors will see a link in their profile page, in front of the paper title, that says “Pay to Publish”. by clicking on that link, they are brought to another page that shows the content of a) and b).
How ever content of a) is shown without formatting, and html tags (