Bug in Activity log where editor name is not shown

Describe the issue or problem
When Editor or Section Editor make their recommendation, their name its not shown in the comment. refer to picture.

I cannot test on ojs on the demo because it keep getting error if i click read review and give recommendation.

But in the demo for article from old 3.3.x.x version seems ok…


Steps I took leading up to the issue
For example:

  1. Go to activity log and view

What application are you using?
OJS on ojs demo site and OJS on my site

Additional information

Hi @mohd_arshad,

Thanks for spotting this. This already appears to be reported here: [OJS 3.4] variable{$editorName} not replaced in activity log for decisions · Issue #10362 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

It is slated for inclusion with the release of 3.4.0-9, which I would suspect might come out within the next month or so (not guaranteed).

PKP Team