Browser error message: Application is not available


during the last few days some of the users couldn’t access the journal websites at They get the following error message:

Application is not available. The application is currently not serving requests at this endpoint. It may not have been started or is still starting.

It works perfectly for me and I have never seen this sort of error. Does anybody know what this means and an which side may be the problem? Is OJS limiting the number of connections?

Thank you!

This isn’t an OJS error message. It might be coming from a proxy or application server in front of OJS.

Thank you!

I agree, I didn’t think it came from OJS. So, a user encountering this problem has to ask his network administrator, right?

Best regards,

Yes, your system administrator or hosting provider would be a good start. A “network administrator” may or may not be familiar with the application that is serving this error message, depending on your organizational structure.