browsing through the current issue I noticed that the “breadcrumbs” line (in our case "Home > Vol 1, No 1 (2015) > (AUTHOR) displays only one author even if the article has two of them.
Not an issue for me; however, one co-author has seriously asked me to change this.
I figure that this is system immanent and not easily being changed?
THANK YOU! Fascinating speed and accuracy. I think the “et al.” solution should be included as a standard option since many articles have more than one authors …
Dear @ctgraham
thanks for your help. I would like to implement your suggestion as I am facing the problem as @Jesaiah. Your explanation along with the code is really great, but I still don´t get it. How would ojs/header.tpl at ojs-dev-2_4 · pkp/ojs · GitHub have to look like at the end?