Blind review - replace file


We use OJS The editors of one of our journals require reviewers to upload a document with their comments. Sometimes reviewers forget to remove their information from the document’s properties. Is there any way the editors can upload a revised review file (with the personal information removed - in order to comply with blind review) before they check “Let author view file”.

Thank you,

Hi @gabriela

I think there is no such possibility at that place :frowning: so maybe the editors can send the anonymized files with author notification (about the decision)…



we have the same problem as stated above in OJS
Is there a possibility to replace the file? As editor, I can upload a second review file but cannot delete the original one which contains the reviewer’s name or at least initials within the WORD comments. There should be a checkbox which files to make visible for the authors.

I will tag @stranack here…


I’m having the exact same issue. I am trying to delete and replace a file that contains the reviewer’s name and the system says I don’t have the authorization even though I am logged in as the journal manager. Can someone tell me how to fix this?