We are using OJS 3.3.0-10. A journal manager report us some difficulty on how to define the language to export the XML on DOAJ using the plugin. The XML is well created and the plugin works well. But for some article we have fre and others have en. We want all articles to be exported in English. I thought this was defined by the « languages » metadata (in Publication → Metadata → Languages) but with the same configuration, one article is in French, and the other is in English. Do you have any advice ?
Interesting, I don’t think there is an easy way to separate out articles that are in particular languages in the plugin. I think one would have to do this in the XML export (but I’m not sure how to best go about this). @Dominic_Mitchell - would you have an idea how to best approach this?
Thanks for your reply.
This journal has all of their articles in French and in English. From what I have seen in the XML, the export language is defined by the tag <language>. But how can we change what is written in this tag? For some articles, the tag is filled with English (eng) and others have French (fre).
DOAJ doesn’t yet support multilingual display. Even though we will ingest the content with more than language, we can only display one. There is no order in which the languages are displayed either. It is simply the first to be picked up during ingest.
There are two solutions:
Only send us English in the XML; or
Send us both English and French in the same language tags, divided in some way so that users can see that one is a translation of the other.
There are advantages to Option 2. It is easier to manage, and it allows the journal’s content to be distributed around the web in both languages.
We have a work package to support multiple language display but it is not yet scheduled.
If I understood correctly, the best way to do this is to download the XML provided by OJS-DOAJ plugin, choose one of the two options, edit the xml manually and then upload the XML on doaj website (again manually) ?
Or is there a way to choose one of the options directly in the OJS application?