Bilingual Email

I’m trying to figure out how the bilingual OJS emails are received by the reader.

For example, the “Notification” email, which is the option to send a copy to the readers when a new announcement is posted. From the dashboard, I can see there is a French version of the email (at the bottom of the screenshot).


However, the reader indicated she only received the English portion.


Is there something in the setting so the “Notification” email sends both versions of the message?



Emails are sent in a local that is being selected for the UI. So if a user (that triggers sending email) uses English, the emails are sent in English, if users uses French UI, the emails are sent in French.

Regards, Primož

Thanks Primož! I’ll check with our other French speaking users who would have selected the OJS French UI, and see if they received the message in French.



misunderstanding - important is the sender of the email, nor the receiver. Sender defines the email language.

Regards, Primož

I see. I wonder what would be the best approach for our bilingual journal since I (the sender) would need to select a language when I send the message.

Does this mean there is no way to send the message in English to English subscribers and French to French subscribers?



As far as I know, not. Would be very glad if I am wrong :slight_smile:

Regards, Primož


there is an issue about that: