Good morning:
I’m using the version of OJS. I need to export the metadata of all the articles of my journal in a Bib or ris format. Is there any plugin that could help users of OJS 3 to do that? In the generic plugins or in the import/export tool I can’t find anything that could do that. Any suggestion?
Thank you for your help
Hi @StephenMAD
Citation Style Language plugin exports the bibliographic information of an article in various formats.
But I haven’t heard about a plugin that export this data in a batch file, or as multple selections.
You may export this data as RIS or BibTeX file in the article details page.
Link: GitHub - pkp/citationStyleLanguage: An OJS 3 plugin to generate an article citation in any CSL citation style using citeproc-php.

Thank you @drugurkocak
I’ve installed the plugin but the option “download citation” doesn’t show up. In the settings I’ve activated it but in the page of the articles no “download citation” button appears. Why? Any suggestion? Take a look to our journal page: Studia Heideggeriana
Thank you for your help
Hi @StephenMAD
The plugin seems to work properly. Can you check if the RIS and BibTeX options are checked? I did nothing but enable these options. (screenshot)

Yes, both options are activated.

I really don’t know why it doesn’t work properly.
I also use academic pro theme on one of our journals. I will test if it is related to the theme, or OJS version.
Thank you! If it’s a problem of the theme I guess that I won’t be able to fix it. I’m not a code expert. I’m looking for some online tool or software that could help me to extract the bib or ris files from all our articles without spending days (like a bulk option or something like that)
It is probably related to Academic Pro Theme, Lets’s mention @navotera.
Please, See the screenshots. The same article with different themes.

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Hi @StephenMAD
We got you cover. We will fix this issue soon. I will notify you as soon as we fix this.
Thank you so much for reporting this issue 
Hi @navotera
The RIS and BibTeX options are not displayed in Bootstrap 3 Base Theme either. If your theme is using components of that code, you may check it too.