I am new to OJS in the role of a journal editor. Thanks to the Community Forum, I have been able to understand some basics. Now, I want to upload JATS-xml-galleys and have not had any success so far.
I tried using the “native xml” plugin which led me to following error: Element ‘article’: No matching global declaration available for the validation root.
I have double checked the DTD with the developer, there had oviously been anpther DTD left in the xml which she could eliminate.
When trying to upload the xml, I am now facing a loading page that would not resolve to any content page within a fair amount of time.
PDF galleys are not a problem at all, these work fine in uploading and in the view as well.
I am using OJS
Do you have any suggestions on how I can proceed - any best practice from fellow OJS-editors?
Are you trying to import back-issue content that’s in JATS form? If so, there’s a plugin for that.
If you already have the articles in OJS and are just looking for a place to store the JATS as part of the record, there is no “official” place for that in OJS 3.4 or prior – but starting with OJS 3.5 (which will be the next major release), there’s a new place in the workflow for JATS content. (If you’re using 3.3 or 3.4, in the meantime I’d suggest uploading the JATS documents into the “production ready files” area; that’s where e.g. the OAI JATS plugin will look for it, if that’s important to you.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you very much for your help! I want to upload back-issues, so the plugin you mentioned will probably be the solution to my problem.
Do you know whether there are problems to be expected when using the quick submit plugin at the same time? Since I need to upload a large number of back-issues, I was planning to use this plugin as well.
The quick submit plugin isn’t going to be very helpful for JATS-based content, and because it requires a lot of manual work, I don’t recommend it for large imports. If everything is in JATS, then I’d recommend using the plugin linked above.
If you have a little bit of non-JATS content to augment your JATS with, on the other hand, the quick submit plugin should be fine for that.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team