If I choose the Default Theme on your http://journals.sfu.ca/testdrive3/index.php/ojs3test/ and upload an image with the width 401 pixels under Homepage Image it will be scaled up when shown in my PC browser making it blurred. It’s great that you can scale it down when shown on smartphones but I don’t think that it’s a good idea to make it bigger than the original.
Niels Erik
Hi @nef,
The default theme expects a homepage image to be at least 860px wide. A smaller image wouldn’t really fit the theme’s design, which uses the contrast of the homepage image’s edges to reinforce the outer borders of the primary column.
If you don’t want to use an image on your homepage that’s 860px wide, I’d encourage you to build a custom theme or child theme which is designed to expect a smaller image.
Can you recommend a site where I might learn to do that?
@nef I’m planning to put together some more comprehensive documentation on theming with OJS 3. At the moment, there’s not much available.
But you can see how a custom theme was built with the bootstrap theme and also take a look at this example child theme.
Thank you. I’m looking forward to see your documentation. Great.