I had been struggling with the authors changing their names after papers being published, I wonder if there is any way to allow only administrators to change user names after being registered
I had been struggling with the authors changing their names after papers being published, I wonder if there is any way to allow only administrators to change user names after being registered
Hi @Docentes_2.0,
Can you provide a little more detail? User accounts and author accounts are different concerns, and I’m not sure whether you mean published names of authors on content, or e.g. the username that’s part of a user account. (Also, please include which of our applications you’re using, and what version.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
I am using OJS version
I have found for certain submissions under publication > contributors some of the author’s names had changed, I am assuming are the authors itself, for example, one of then added his suffix as Phd. others removed one of the last names or abreviated and so on.
Hi @Docentes_2.0,
I don’t believe the authors are changing the published data after publication; they’re probably fine-tuning the author list during submission. The first author record is pre-filled from the user’s account but can be adjusted by the author during submission.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
@asmecher we found several cases that the author change his profile and it affects the article which is ready to be publish like his name or last name, we have even a case that the abstract got change by the author, is there any option to avoid author to change their profile or information to avoid rework?
Hi @Docentes_2.0,
Can you describe this in a step-by-step way? After the first step of the author’s submission process, changing the author’s profile won’t affect the author record attached to the submission.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team