Automatic email issue
I installed OJS The authors who submit their manuscripts to the journal do not receive an automatic acknowledgment e-mail ! am I missing any setting? any advice, pls?
Forgot password email link is not receiving by author? What is the issue? Plz guide.
Some plugins like scopus/crossref citation plugin, Recommend Similar Articles, Recommend Similar Articles by same author will take more time when we click on title of the article after publication. When we disabled these plugin it will resolve the issue… What is the issue?
Hi @National_Journal_of,
Are you using SMTP
in your
file, did you check if reset password emails aren’t being sent to spam? Since not even reset password emails are being sent (considering they’re not going to spam) you must be having some trouble with your email system.
Best regards,
yes we have checked no link in spam box. even any action we do in ojs show “There was a problem sending an email message. Please try again later, or contact your system administrator.”
Hi @National_Journal_of,
A good starting point will be the email troubleshooting.
Best regards,