I am about to enable the automated forwarding of submitted manuscripts to iThenticate using the iThenticate plugin as discussed in the old OJS forum at http://pkp.sfu.ca/support/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=7041. From the quick look at the plugin code I can see that the only thing that the plugin does is to place the manuscript into an iThenticate folder so that it gets processed at some later time. It is the iThenticate account owner’s responsibility to check that the report has been generated and to download it and attach it somehow to the manuscript in OJS (at least this is what we would like to have at the end).
Before I start to dig into details I would like to know if someone has patched ands extended OJS in this way, i.e. to have a background cron job trying to fetch plagiarism reports from iThenticate and assign them automatically to submissions in OJS, for example as a submission note (it would be nice if our reviewers could see it as well, but if the report is visible only to editors, it is also okay).