Why author cannot see comment from director and reviewers?
Hi @norazizahmyacob,
The Editor needs to mediate reviews to ensure that they don’t expose the Reviewers’ identities to the Author and vice versa. Once the reviews are in, the Editor can compose an email to the Author and use the “Import Peer Reviews” button to import review comments intended for the Author. The Editor can check to ensure they’re appropriate and then send them.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you.
I have another question.
We have already made decision on abstract only. I would like to
know why the paper status is Paper in Review, although author does not
submit full paper yet.
Hi @norazizahmyacob,
Can you post that question as a new topic, to help keep the forum organized?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Is it still the case the situation described here? With the latest version released, that the reviewers’ remarks are not passed back automatically, but must only be added manually or with “Import peer reviews” button? This was not clear, thank you.
Hi @HongPong,
Yes, the editor still needs to hit the button to import the reviews.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team