Hi all,
A second author on an article from 2014 has contacted one of our OJS editors. When you search for the article in question on Google Scholar, only the first author is shown – despite the fact that both authors are listed on the article in the OJS journal.

Furthermore, she has noticed that when you click on the article via Google Scholar you get the following warning:

It is possible to get passed this warning message and through to the article, but it might scare away potential readers – and what is the explanation anyway?
It is only a problem with this particular article, but I have noticed that on all the articles from that special issue (Vol. 2 No. 1 (2014) for some reason, no author affiliations are shown, although affiliations are provided on at least some of the author profiles backend.
I have also checked to see if the author in question is registered as a user backend, and she is not. But this can’t be the problem, as other authors are also not registered without it creating the same problem for other articles.
Here’s a link to the article on Google Scholar:
And a link directly to the article:
We are currently using OJS
I hope you can help me.
Kind regards,
Hi Steffen,
That warning, if my Danish is any good at all, is because the SSL certificate being used on that server does not match the IP address. That’s usually not how SSL certificates are created. You’ll need to discuss that with the systems administrator for the server. If that’s how the link looks in Google Scholar, it appears that GS has incorrectly crawled your site. Perhaps at one point in time the journal just existed on an IP address or was publicly linked that way and Google found it.
If you run a GS search and add site:journals.aau.dk
to the search you will get more content, limited to your domain. But not that article. I suspect Google needs to recrawl your site, which should happen automatically.
Hi Jason,
Thank you for the swift reply! I believe that explains it.
Kind regards,
Hi @slch-aub and @jnugent
I have the same problem with our journals the GS plugin only deposit the first author . Hence, everything is working fine except that problem. Could your please share your solution.
Link in the journal site: https://journal.uokufa.edu.iq/index.php/kmj/article/view/9769
Link in GS : Google Scholar
OJS version 3.3.0-13
PHP 8.0
Many Thanks