Author name not included in Dublin Core metadata in OJS 3

The author name is not getting included in the Dublin Core metadata in the current version of OJS. See for example the header of this article: Line 30:
<meta name="DC.Creator.PersonalName" content=", "/>

I haven’t had a chance to play with the code, but it would appear that something funky is happening in lines 69-72 of

	foreach (explode(', ', $article->getAuthorString()) as $author) {
		$templateMgr->addHeader('dublinCoreAuthor' . $i++, '<meta name="DC.Creator.PersonalName" content="' . htmlspecialchars($author) . '"/>');

It looks as if explode() is returning the delimiter (", "), but I don’t see how that should ever happen.

Hi @jeremywiebe,

That installation is running OJS 3.0.2, which is now getting fairly old. (We’ll upgrade our test installs soon.) Meanwhile, OJS 3.1.0-1 doesn’t show this behavior, and I believe it was already corrected in our git repo by this commit. If you’re still using OJS 3.0.2, I’d suggest applying that fix, or better yet, upgrading.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks! I’m just a user of this OJS installation, not an administrator, and
I assumed it was running the latest. That’s an easy fix (and an easy
