Author cant upload revised version

Description of issue or problem I’m having:
I have problem with my ocs website, the author cannot upload their revised version.

Steps I took leading up to the issue:
I already check with the template but nothing change

Screenshot from 2021-11-09 11-58-05

Hello @conference_fmipa

Thank you for your interest in Open Conference Systems (OCS). Please note that OCS is no longer supported or maintained by PKP. However, other community members may wish to offer assistance.

If you are looking for a current solution to manage conference paper submissions and publish conference papers, I suggest using Open Journal Systems (OJS), PKP’s software application for publishing scholarly journals. OJS has a complete editorial workflow for managing submission, peer review, and publishing that is flexible enough to be used for conferences. You can then use a separate tool to manage conference registration and scheduling.

Here is an example of an organization that uses OJS to publish their conference proceedings: CMBES Proceedings.

If you would like to explore OJS, there are a number of resources available.

Documentation is available on our web site that will guide you through the installation, configuration, and operation of the software:

Best regards,

PKP Team