Author can't upload file in Round 2 (or later) review - critical issue!

Describe the issue or problem
As an author, I can’t upload a new revision when the desision is to start ‘Reqest Revisions’ andstarting a new review round.

The author has no option to attach/upload a new file.
This dialog part

is visible for section editors and admins but it is not visible for the author itself!
When the author open its publication review page when the Round is bigger than gets an error

and the dialog doesn’t show the panel to upload a revision.

Steps I took leading up to the issue

  • Whet the publication is in review status and the actual Round is bigger than 1
  • Open the publication as the author
  • Select the the review page
  • You get the error messages and not the panel to upload new revision

What application are you using?

Additional information

The whole workflow doesn’t work for us at the moment.

As maybe is an access issue, the user roles of the actual author is:

I just realised that the problem is much serious thank I noticed.
Just right after an author smbit a submissin, he/she can’t addess his/her submission.
Opening the review page, he/she get that error messages and two panel don’t show up

What could be the problem?

Did you check the author roles?

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Thank you Kerim for your quick answer,

It is as default

but I think I should not give other roles for the authors - or should I?

O yes, I tried it and yes, I should. I tought that when I add for example access to Review, the Author will be able act as a Reviewer - but not…

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Yes you should. Otherwise, authors cannot access
download and upload files at any other stages.

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Thank you Kerim!
That was the solution what you recommended for me!

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