Hi All
I have just moving from OJS to and I have observed that in this new version, author affiliation has been displayed alongside to the abstract. Unfortunately, there are many authors without affiliations and other authors with wrong affiliation. Is there any way to correct and/or add author affiliation in papers that have already been published in old issues?
Alternatively, is there any way to disable and/or delete the affiliation of all authors from the abstract page?
Thanks in advance for your help?
The best thing to do is to correct the data – it’s not just displayed alongside the abstract, it’s also potentially included in CrossRef deposits, the OAI interface, and elsewhere. You can either correct it via the web interface, or if that proves too laborious, look in the database directly. It’s stored in the author_settings table; look for setting_value = 'affilation'.
If you do just want to hide it from the reader interface, you can edit ./templates/frontend/objects/article_details.tpl, or use a theme plugin to override that template. But again, I’d suggest correcting the data first.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear Alec,
I followed your first option (correct it via the web interface) and it worked just fine, although a bit laborious.
Thank you very much for your help.
Kind regards,