We are using OJS We tried to assign the author of a paper as a reviewer of that same paper and it worked so the reviewer of the paper is actually the author of that paper.
In some other systems that option is disabled.
We are wondering, is it possible to disable assigning an author of a paper as a reviewer of that same
paper (author and reviewer of the paper should not be the same person)?
Hi @Ketty123
In my opinion this is something that OJS shouldn’t allow, but it is also something that other users should control (editors/managers…). In our journal Journal managers, Journal editors and Section editors are only roles that can assign reviewer and they are responsible for that decision, and they are fully justified to the Dean of the Faculty. We also have rule that no member of journal directorate can’t be reviewer and all are respecting that. Because OJS isn’t assigning reviewers automatically this can be observed as human mistake or intention.