Hi everyone, I am a beginner in OJS ,and I want to learn how to show “Reviewer” on the page about under the Editorial team like picture below
Hi @batosai007,
Do I understand that you want to modify the system to add a list of reviewers in the About section? That’ll require some PHP and Smarty expertise; I can’t walk you through this in detail, but I can possibly provide some guidance if you get stuck.
What version of OJS are you using? (Please include this in your posts.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
hi @asmecher
thanks, my ojs version is 2.4.8 . but
i already have clue . the setting is on journal manager-> masthead .
Thank you very much
Dear Alec,
I wish to know how to list the reviewer (pull from the reviewer database) not manually input like Batosai did. I am using 2.4.8. What template file I should edit?
I found this topic List of reviewers for OJS 2.x
AS SELECT ra.review_id, u.first_name, u.middle_name, u.last_name, u.email, us.setting_value as affiliation, ra.submission_id, ra.date_completed
FROM review_assignments AS ra, users AS u, user_settings AS us
(ra.reviewer_id = u.user_id) AND
(ra.reviewer_id = us.user_id) AND
(us.setting_name LIKE “affiliation”) AND
(ra.declined = 0 AND ra.replaced = 0 AND ra.cancelled = 0)
ORDER BY ra.date_completed DESC
Where to insert that snippet and in what file?
Best wishes,
Hi @reprabowo,
I’m afraid I can’t walk you through modifications in detail. I’d suggest looking at the OJS Technical Reference, particularly the area on Request Handling, to see how/where to find handling code.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team