Hi All,
I want to ask if possible that ASABE Citation output can be add to the OJS Step 3.7 Citation Output? this citation output for Agricultural research.
ASABE Citation Style (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers)
ASABE citation style is given by American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, this style may use for research papers in the fields of agriculture, biochemistry, and biosystems engineering.
Sample: See PDF
Hi @Darryl_Nuyda,
I’m not aware of anyone who has worked on this – but these formats are implemented as plugins, so it should be possible to create a new one using one of the existing examples and adapt it to ASABE. However, this is not likely to be a priority for us – our approach to citations will be different for OJS 3.0, primarily focusing on OTS and using existing tools like CSL to format references according to the various standards.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team