Articles "Unassigned" not showing to assign reviewers

I am using an admin account, and when I go to “USER HOME”, It shows [9 Unassigned] right of Director. When I click there, I can only see 4 articles that I can click on Title, and 2 that I can’t click. When I go to reports, I can download a spreadsheet with 9 articles. And on the folder of the conference (/ocs/files/conferences/3/schedConfs/15/papers) I can found the files. How can I fix that? I can’t assign papers to reviews in this way.


(Also posted at [OCS] Articles “Unassigned” not showing to assign reviewers · Issue #4027 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub@celsoale, it’s better to just post in one place, otherwise the conversation can get fragmented.)