Describe the issue or problem
One of the journals we host has a reviewer of an article that they say they submitted a review but it does not show up in the Activity Log. The Article had 2 reviewers. The Activity Log shows the other reviewer completing the review. Would a review be recorded anywhere else on the system? If so where? The Activity Log shows that they accepted the round 2 review for submission. Is it possible to submit a review using the OJS review form and it not show up on the Activity Log? No one else from this journal or any of the other journals we host have reported having this problem. Thanks.
Steps I took leading up to the issue
I looked for any errors in several logs, error_log and ojs_error, on the server. Nothing that I could tell stood out. I looked around the GUI but I only see the Activity log and the Review report.
What application are you using?
We running
Additional information

Any ideas of where to see if a review was submitted other than the Activity Log? Also Is it possible to submit a review using the OJS review form and it not show up on the Activity Log? Thanks!
Hi @Stephen,
If you’re looking to audit what happened, the best bet will probably be to identify what the user’s IP address is and look through the HTTP (or HTTPS) access log. This will capture all interactions – however, not their contents. It will tell you for example that someone POST
ed a form to the endpoint that receives reviews, but it won’t tell you what the contents of the review were.
If the review is not visible in the system as a completed review assignment, then I’m afraid it’s probably lost – there is nowhere else it would be preserved. This can happen if e.g. the user’s session expires while they’re working on a review, or if they’re e.g. logged out for some other reason.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks Alec! I will take a look at the HTTP access log. Also thanks about the review assignment not being preserved anywhere else. I had a feeling that would be the case.