We are using OJS-3.2.1 and we enabled the payment plugin and set the PayPal details. then we set up the “payment types”. Then we enable the article processing fee in Indian rupee. then we started testing by submitting the article and other stages till production.
But there is no Payment option prompting to Author on any of stage.
When the Editor records an Accept decision on the submission, they should be asked whether they wish to request or waive payment from the author. If they choose to request payment, then the author will be requested via email and they will also see a Notification if they log into the system.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
If you see an entry in queued_payments, then either there was an error that occurred between creating that and emailing the author (these happen in close sequence) or the email was sent but caught e.g. by a spam filter.
If there was an error, it’ll be logged in your PHP error log.
The best way to check whether a message was sent by OJS but never received is to check your mail server’s sending logs. The details of these will depend on your server.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team