Article forwarding to OJS URL format from a single journal with multiple, parallel domains

Regarding past issues of journals, is OJS software involved (in any way) in setting up (the desired) URL request forwarding: from a legacy, pre-OJS URL format to the OJS URL format?

If indeed OJS software is involved—in any way—in setting up this request forwarding, and if (apparently) a journal has been maintaining parallel, duplicate domain names, then does (or can) OJS software still set up this forwarding correctly (whether automatically or not)?

For information regarding this, I have searched:

  1. PKP Tutorials;
  2. Open Journal Systems Documentation, including section 2.14. Import/Export Functions;
  3. PKP Wiki, including its Importing and Exporting Data page;
  4. PKP Community Forum;
  5. PKP GitHub issues (open & closed); and
  6. PKP Bugzilla issues (open & closed).

but I didn’t find anything specifically relevant to this. The only discussions I found vaguely relevant were Move OJS journal from localhost to internet and HOW-TO: Import and Export Data Using OJS.

Here’s why I ask. Although the following request URLs all forward correctly to OJS-format URLs (although the first two strangely differ in their result):

this next request URL (and, note it’s identical, except for containing DK) instead gives “404 error: (Not Found)” (apparently from the www.firstmonday.DK domain):

The First Monday journal uses two domains:

  1. Firstmonday.DK; and
  2. Firstmonday.ORG.

Presumably, identical requests to both domains should return identical results.

This journal’s duplication (in two domain names) is for historical reasons (as described in the First Monday History section of their Editorial Policies webpage):

“Valauskas, Dyson, and Ghosh purchased First Monday in December 1998…First Monday’s address changed from to, with pointers from to…”

This bug in First Monday seems an example of the general problem of linkrot and lack of permanent URLs.

This is something on your server prior to OJS that is handling the referrals of the old URLs.

If this is (as the server signature claims) an Apache setup, compare the configuration of your virtualhosts for vs (if applicable). If they are separate virtualhosts and you would prefer them to be true aliases of one another, consider adding a ServerAlias for .dk into the .org virtualhost. If this is already a single virtualhost, it will be an issue in your mod_rewrite rules (or similar), or in the script that is being used to calculate the referral.